Silencing Maven in AWS CodeBuild
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-11-18 19:11 +0700
One of the things you will probably want to deal with early on when running Maven builds through CodeBuild (or any other CI tool) is stopping Maven from displaying download progress for dependencies. These log lines provide little to no value and just clog up the log file making it hard to read through.
modver Versioning in AWS CodeBuild
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-11-17 17:11 +0700
Running AWS CodeBuild Locally
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-11-16 08:26 +0700
I’ve been using AWS CodeBuild a lot in the past couple of weeks. I really like the elegant simplicity of it: take a buildspec.yml and a containerized build environment and run your build.
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-10-23 20:09 +0700
Here’s the versioning scheme I’ve used in my CI builds for many years:
Modular Product Code with the OPMC Model
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-10-18 21:26 +0700
In this post I’d like to describe the approach to structuring product code that I’ve personally used since the early 2000’s and which I rolled out to the Orion Health Enterprise team while I was Product Architect for that product.
URL File Gen in
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-09-24 20:05 +0700
Often something will popup in YouTube’s omniscent algo that I like the look of and want to snapshot to watch later so I copy-paste the URL and throw it into ytget- e.g just now:
Controlling a Three-Channel LED Strip with an ESP32
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-08-18 20:23 +0700
Today I put together my first circuit and code for driving a three-channel 5V RGB LED strip. This is part of a larger project to put a set of lighting strips into the new media cabinet that we got for our lounge room which will consist of:
Centralized Logging for Kubernetes with Elasticsearch
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-08-15 23:12 +0700
This evening I gave a presentation on building a centralized logging infrastructure for Kubernetes using Elasticsearch and Kibana at the meetup of the local Elasticsearch user group.
sitemap.xml Sitemaps in Jekyll
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-05-31 23:23 +0700
Another small thing I wanted to add to this revamped website built on Jekyll is sitemap.xml support. I did this 13 years ago on the Pebble version of my blog by writing a plugin for Pebble in Java. Fortunately Jekyll has an official plugin already which is found at:
Building a URL Shortener on Jekyll and S3
Home, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019-05-24 22:45 +0700
For my blog and for my CV I have a number of shortened URL’s For example points to my GitHub profile. Until now I’ve used a very nice open-source solution called YOURLS which I Dockerized and ran on my home server. YOURLS provides a great admin UI for creating URL’s and a nice reporting dashboard that shows hit counts and geocodes requesters.