Software Engineering
- August 27, 2020: Manipulating Time Inside a Docker Container
- August 12, 2020: Connecting AWS CodeCommit in Multiple Accounts via SSH
- October 23, 2019: modver
- October 18, 2019: Modular Product Code with the OPMC Model
- August 15, 2019: Centralized Logging for Kubernetes with Elasticsearch
- November 16, 2018: KubeCon Shanghai 2018
- November 11, 2017: Introduction to Docker - Tech@Agoda #18
- September 26, 2017: Introduction to Docker for .NET Developers at Bangkok ,NET Meetup
- January 28, 2017: Software Engineer Role Leveling
- May 05, 2016: Building Software is a Craft not a Science
- March 25, 2014: Introduction to TeamCity for .NET Developers
- December 01, 2008: Amalga HIS 5.3 Ship It!
- April 15, 2008: Converting Repositories from CVS to BZR on Debian Etch
- November 25, 2007: Automated Tomcat / mod_jk / Apache httpd Setup
- October 27, 2007: Divine Code
- February 28, 2007: Krypton 2.0.0 b1 Released
- February 16, 2007: Tellurium 1.0.0 b1 Released
- February 01, 2007: Japanese Bamboo
- January 16, 2007: Bamboo 1.0.1 Released
- January 29, 2006: Back to Basics: Validation
- January 24, 2006: Bamboo 1.0.0 Released